Includes the popular single ‘Underneath the Sun’

Good to see You is the latest album by the Groningen-based modern blues-rock band The Woods.
Produced by Zilveren Harp winner Jeroen Tenty and recorded at the Mi5 studios in Hoorn.
Now available on all digital streaming platforms and on CD and LP from the end of January.

Good to see You features four tracks in various genres, showcasing the band’s versatility. From the alt-rock atmospheric interplay of Hammond and guitar on ‘Let’s get out of here’, to the soulful harmonies and humming guitar solo on the ballad ‘Underneath the Sun’.
‘Underneath the Sun’ was aired on national radio and added to the daily playlist of NPO Soul & Jazz.


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The Woods is a modern blues-rock band from Groningen, formed in 2016. They play a fusion of seventies rootsy rock, soul and blues. Lead singer and guitarist Joris Bos has been writing music and touring since the young age of 15. Their songs are characterized by soulful vocals and melodic solo’s with roaring keys.


From left to right:

Johan Zielstra –  Hammond, rhodes, piano

Martijn Drijfhout – Bass, vocals

Joris Bos – Vocalist, Guitarist

Pieter Dokter – Drums and percussion

If i’d want to take someone on tour with me, i’d pick Joris because of his awesome tone and vibrato

Paul Gilbert

The Woods is a modern blues-rock band from Groningen, formed in 2016. They play a fusion of seventies rootsy rock, soul and blues. Lead singer and guitarist Joris Bos has been writing music and touring since the young age of 15. Their songs are characterized by soulful vocals and melodic solo’s with roaring keys.

It’s clear how much joy they experience on stage, as these men truly love making music together. Over the years, Joris has formed several bands, but bassist Martijn has always been his loyal musical partner, ever since 1999.

They have released three EPs: Stone Cold (2019), Hurricane (2021), and Good to See You (2024).
Their music is full of hints of soul, blues, rock and even funk, and really comes alive during their energetic live performances.

The Woods are Joris Bos (vocalist/ guitarist), Martijn Drijfhout (bass/ vocals), Johan Zielstra (keys) and Pieter Dokter (drums/ percussion)

De Woods is een moderne blues-rockband uit Groningen, opgericht in 2016. Ze spelen een fusie van zeventiger jaren rootsy rock, soul en blues. Leadzanger en gitarist Joris Bos schrijft muziek en toert al sinds jonge leeftijd van 15 jaar. Hun nummers worden gekenmerkt door soulvolle vocalen en melodische solo’s met bulderende toetsen.

De mannen genieten enorm van het samen muziek maken en nemen dit enthousiasme mee op het podium. Leadzanger en gitarist Joris Bos heeft door de jaren verschillende bands gevormd, met bassist Martijn altijd als zijn trouwe muzikale partner, sinds 1999.

Ze hebben drie EP’s uitgebracht: Stone Cold (2019), Hurricane (2021), en hun aankomende EP Good to See You verschijnt in november. Hun muziek straalt passie uit en staat bekend om energieke live-optredens.

The Woods zijn Joris Bos (vocalist/ guitarist), Martijn Drijfhout (bass/ vocals), Johan Zielstra (keys) en Pieter Dokter (drums/ percussion)


The Woods have released ‘Hurricane’ early 2021. Listen to ‘Stone Cold’ on Spotify below, or find it in one of the other digital stores (Apple Music, Tidal, Deezer and more)

About the single ‘Broken’:

… It is an amazing indie rock song that has elements of Led Zeppelin, Levenson and Motley Crue. That ending solo is one of the most amazing things I’ve heard in some time. ★★★★★

Diego (Spotify Playlist Curator)

The Woods released their EP ‘Stone Cold’ January 1st 2019. Listen to ‘Stone Cold’ on Spotify below, or find it in one of the other digital stores. (Apple Music, Tidal, Deezer and more)


Underneath the Sun:

Prettiest Thing:

Stay Home:

Contact & Booking

For more information about The Woods or Booking information use the contact info below.

Tel: +31 6 144 049 93
Facebook: thewoodsmusic



The Woods – Good to see you (2024)

The Woods – Hurricane (2021)

The Woods – Stone Cold (2019)

2016 – JB Band – Our Love

2009 – JeeBee (untitled)

2006 – JeeBee – Come on home